
Recipe fantasy to food reality.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Babies are People Too

I'm not going to comment at length on this, because I don't really know anything about raising kids (See my post about not having a sweet potato pie in the oven.). Still, I thought this article about feeding babies a variety of foods was a great thing to see. When I was a kid, I really had no control over what I ate. If I was going to be picky, I was going to be hungry. Some people I know, however, and a lot of children I know, are rampantly, phobically picky. I've always suspected that starting your kids out on bland food is a great way to kick-start pickiness. As for the obesity angle, I think it also follows that if you're not interested in eating something that's not starchy and white, or trans-fat laden and salty, one of two things are going to happen: you're not going to enjoy eating, and only do it as a chore, or if you like eating, you're going to have a hard time making healthy food choices. And that's hard enough when you're not picky.


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